CEFE 2017

The aim of the second scientific conference Central European Conference in Finance and Economics (CEFE 2017) is to provide scientific workers, academics, practicians and other professionals in finance, economics and regional science a place to present, analyse and discuss a broad spectrum of actual theoretical and practical issues, current trends, and future challenges affecting the process of countries' economic development within the European Union.

The Central European Conference in Finance and Economics has three objectives:

  • to propose new areas of scientific research,

  • to create active programmes and strategies for the scientific findings implementation into practice,

  • to confront scenarios and visions in a broad spectrum of actual national and global issues.
  • about current economic challenges and issues thorugh presentation of projects and research,

  • about national and global problems and possibilities of their solutions related to current trends,

  • about trends and current issues in Finance and Investment; Economic Issues and Public Finance; Business, Entrepreneurship and Start-ups, including specific topics.
  • different forms of scientific cooperation linked with practice,

  • new potential necessary for raising the competitiveness within EU countries,

  • confrontation and communication of actual issues within global economies.

Based on analyses, confrontations and discussions of actual trends and challenges in the field of finance and economics in a theoretical and practical context CEFE 2017 stimulates and highlights the importance of the international scientific teams integrity for the development of scientific research.

Within the CEFE 2017 conference are presented ongoing results and outcomes of the international research project ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - Improving capacities for enhancing territorial attractiveness of the Danube region

CEFE 2015

Beáta Gavurová - Head of Organizing Committee
Contact email: conference.ekf@tuke.sk
Contact phone: +421 55 602 3267