CEFE 2017
CEFE 2018 Programme
TUESDAY September 04, 2018
12:00- 13:15Registration of participants
13:30 - 17:00Plenary session
from 18:30Gala Dinner


The following experts will have a presentation during the plenary session:Date: September 4, 2018

13:30- 14:30Luboš Buzna
Topic: Fair Distribution of Limited Resources in Networks

Ľuboš Buzna is Senior Researcher in the ERA Chair Team at the University Science Park of the University of Žilina that was established within the FP7 project ERAdiate, and he is affiliate of the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at the University of Žilina as Associate Professor of Applied Informatics. He got his PhD degree in 2003 from the University of Žilina in the doctoral study program “Transportation and Communication Technology”. Previously, he worked as researcher for several academic institutions: University of Barcelona (2014-2015), ETH Zurich (2007-2009) and TU Dresden (2005-2007), where he participated in FP6 project IRRIIS as WP leader and FP7 project LASAGNE. His research is focused on the development of optimization algorithms (integer programming and convex optimization) and data science (modelling and inference) that are applicable in transportation networks, and more generally, in complex systems. He co-authored more than 50 publications, among them 17 in peer-reviewed international scientific journals indexed in the Current Contents Database. In 2013, he received award from Literárny fond for the response to his publications.

14:30- 15:30Ján Pokrivčák
Topic: Food security in the countries of the Central and Eastern Europe

Ján Pokrivčák is a Professor of Agricultural Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra and Head of the Department of Economic Policy at FEM SPU. He has completed an operational research at FEM SPU and Agricultural Economics about Quantitative Methods at the Cornell University in the U.S. In his research, he focuses on the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU, international economy and public choice. He has published in many renowned world scientific journals, such as the European Review of Agricultural Economics, the Journal of Agricultural Economics or Energy Economics. He has participated in many of the EU-funded international science and education projects. He was a consultant to the World Bank and the FAO. He lectures at several universities both at home and abroad. He has implemented projects for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic as well as for the European Commission. He is a member of several scientific committees of faculties and universities as well as editorial boards of scientific journals.

16:00- 17:00Mikuláš Luptáčik
Topic: Digitization and Industry 4.0: Will we have enough work?

Mikuláš Luptačik is a world-renowned expert in mathematical economics and economic analysis. After more than 45 years of work at the University of Economics in Vienna, he is an emeritus professor there. For many years he was the scientific director of the Institute for Economic Research in Vienna. Since 2015, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava. He is a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals registered in the WoS database, a reviewer of 15 major scientific journals and member of several scientific societies. His scientific work is often quoted (in WoS he has nearly 400 citations), one of his peepers is quoted for 254 times.

CEFE 2015

Contact email: conference.ekf@tuke.sk