Course categories:

Discovering of Migrants’ and Refugees’ Economic Potential
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In this module, the focus will be devoted to labour aspects of migration. Employability of migrants can be supported and their skills used within the local community and local labour market. Economic potential of migrants stems from their specific skills. Particular kind of skills can be transferred to local communities. Public bodies may participate in active “labour inclusion” of migrants.
Topics covered: employability, labour market and refugees, education and qualifications
Cultural Manifestation and Acculturation
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The aim of this module is to take an interdisciplinary approach in order to acquaint public decision-makers with intercultural relations. The phenomenon of acculturation is due to migration implications. Successful integration process should taking into account of different cultural practice. Public decision-makers will develop an appreciate knowledge base and analytical skills. Knowledge of the migration cultural aspect is essential to a complex managing of successful integration process.
Topics covered: diaspora, transcultural context, intercultural relation, social identity in refugee context, forced migration
Local Integration Policy
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The general aim of this module is to illuminate potential of local policies related to integration process. Public representatives may to intervene by public interventions within municipal or local state administration policy. Migrant communities can be integrated under the supervision of local public officials. Municipal integrations policy can create background platform for positive social interventions and support of urban multicultures. Public officials will develop skills about managing urban diversity in transcultural context. The module trains public officials in strategies how to support active migrant participation in local communities.
Topics covered: public perception, migrant communities, social implication, municipal integration policy, social intervention, urban multicultures
Public Decion-Making
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The module draws on practical decision-making process in local public administration. Migrants may be assigned to a different legal status and that is the reason for different ways of subsequent integration process management. Migrants will come into contact with public authorities dealing with state administration agenda. Public official will develop skills about the carrying out administrative procedures with migrant. Core module objective consists of administrative aspects of subsequent integration process.
Topics covered: managing migration, asylum seekers and refugees in administrative procedures, public interventions, securing refugees, public modernities