Obligatory Documents


Study in the academic year 2021/2022

Schedule of the academic year 2021/2022 for bachelor's, engineering and doctoral degree: Schedule21_22

Schedules of full-time study by years, study programs and study groups for winter term 2021/2022 can be found in the MAIS information system


Instructions for the winter term 2021/2022:

1. Teaching in WT 2021/2022 will take place as follows: lectures, exercises, seminars - online, according to a fixed schedule. You can find the timetable in the MAIS information system.

2. It is necessary to technically ensure that you can be connected by video and audio during the lessons you will have scheduled. Participation = connection of students to exercises and seminars will be mandatory and controlled.

3. Each subject has a course set up in MOODLE, where all necessary contacts, links, information, study materials, assignments, tasks will be published / gradually published.

4. Webex and MS Teams platforms will be used for online teaching (details for each subject can be found in the MOODLE). IT support ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) will provide you with assistance if necessary.

5. You will be informed about the exams in time.

Further information can be found on the website of the faculty ekf.tuke.sk

Dnes je: 18.05.2024. Katedra financií, Ekonomická fakulta TU v Košiciach.